Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cudos to the National Post

There are those who just can't bring themselves to ever say anything good about the media. I don't want to be one of those. So, here is a cudo to the National Post this week.

On Thursday, Canada's second leading national paper reported on a story from my hometown back in Alberta, a small town north of Calgary named Didsbury. I spend almost all of my growing up years there and have lived there off and on until we moved out here to Mississauga in 1997. And so it certainly caught my eye. Hardly anything ever happens in Didsbury, especially something that would get the attention of the national media.

The story concerns a man who drowned at the local pool and was miraculously revived. He is a follower of the Lord, as I gather, going to the same church that I did when we lived there. What amazed me was that this was not an breaking story that took place just in the past week or so. It was really a human interest story that I would not have expected to be published on..... (wait for it).....THE FRONT PAGE!!!.

Throughout the article, he gives credit to God for bringing him back and believes that his survival must be because God exisrts. My in-laws told me that within days of his recuperation, he wanted to share his testimony in church.

So before you despair of the national media and say how anti-Christian it all is, remember that there are exceptions from time to time. And maybe you should just stop reading the Toronto Star.

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