Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cry for help on a Sunday morning

Woke up at 5:30 this morning when my roommate decided that he needed to have his light on. Thankfully, he obliged when I asked him to turn it off. What amazes me are people who think that it would have have been a good idea to begin with. I could not tell what he as doing that required illumination.

But that kind of ruined my night, especially as the pain in my legs and thighs began to increase in earnest. As I write this, I am trying to supplement my regular pain killers with boluses every 30 minutes. Not helping much. “God help me!” is the only cry that I can utter right now. It is probably all I need to pray. It is sound and honours Him.

I am struck by the people who are trying to help my roommate. It think it is his wife or girlfriend right now. She is literally bombarding him with questions. Not surprisingly, he is not answering most of them. I am sure that deep inside, he is simply saying, “Please be quiet and just be here for me. I will ask if I need something.” I am sure she is well-meaning though. But care-giving is a gift, not a natural talent for fallen human beings, it seems to me. Perhaps it can be training but the best are those who just seem to know how to do it, I’ve met a few people like this and I have to be careful not to measure everyone else against them. That would be grossly unfair, wouldn’t it?


Jim said...

Glenn, we're hear for you -- I wish we could be there, standing with you. But know that we are here doing the same thing.

I do understand what you're saying about caring. Sometimes just being there silently says it all. Sometimes it's a prayer. Sometimes it's a song. Sometimes a story unrelated to anything you're going through. But that isn't always easy for those who can't but are trying desperately to enter into the pain.

Abel said...

Hang in there, Glen! You're in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

You , Denita anf family are in my daily prayers, that he may take away that awful pain and you will be able to do the work that you love to do and you are so good at. Lots of love and courage to you to Denita
In His name

Lorraine said...

Praying for you my brother.

Anonymous said...

Praying that you have had some relief from the pain and have been able to sleep. Eunice

Joe Hendricks said...

Praying for you..