Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pics of my nephew

I just got some great pictures from my brother Brian of his son, Jacob’s 4th birthday and Halloween party.  I thought I would post them so you can see what a cute nephew I have.  Man, I wish I lived closer so I could get to know this little guy better.   Happy Birthday, Jacob. Your Uncle Glenn really loves you!

Jacob's 4th B-day & Halloween 001 Trick or treat!
Jacob's 4th B-day & Halloween 045 The Birthday boy!
Jacob's 4th B-day & Halloween 047Wearing the birthday horn hat at Montana’s.  Guess he wasn’t that impressed, apparently


Anonymous said...

How many kids the day after "trick or treating" walk out of their rooms and ask for a salad? His preschool teacher has branded him as a "kind soul" and his Dad is proud to call him "my son".

Heidi said...

Hi Glenn, this is not a comment about the pics of your nephew (tho he is really cute). but I was reading a blog you wrote on your persecution website and wanted to leave a comment. Unfortunately the site window is not sized correctly and tho I tried several times, it keeps making it so that I cannot type in the "word verification" because the window cuts off two thirds the way down the "word" and there is no way to scroll down. I tried to sign on to the atom comment process but that didn't seem to work either. You may know about this bug but if you dont, I am here to tell you :) ps.I have not been able to read any of your book because Joe appropriated it. sigh, will have to wait until he finishes it.

Glenn Penner said...

I changed the settings to make the comments page a full page now. Hopefully this will fix your problem. I had not had anyone complain, but I suspect that it may have to do with screen sizes and resolutions. This new setting should work fine. Let me know. And tell Joe to hand over that book :)